Staying healthy while traveling can be difficult. Here are 10 tips to keep in mind when trying to stay healthy during your travels.

Travel Points International

Proper Sleep
To maintain your health you have to be able to get some shut eye when you can. The main way to help your brain recover after a long day is lots of sleep. Even if you have to squeeze some time on a plane, do it! Keep in mind that an average 8 hours of sleep is what you need to have healthy brain activity.
A good way to help get some sleep when your on a plane is by getting the essentials. You'll need: an eye mask, a neck pillow and ear plugs. This will allow you some comfort and a little peace from what is going on in the plane.
Another tip to proper sleep is making sure your not up all night. Even though its vacation and you wish the days will never end, it will end up taking away from what you have planned the next day. So get all the Zzz you can.

Staying hydrated is something that doesn't really cross many peoples minds. Water is such an important part of life that most people don't think twice about it being a part of your health. Your body consists of 70% water. It is essential that you drink enough water so your body can properly transport nutrients, maintain body temperature, and deliver oxygen throughout the body.
You need to constantly replenish yourself . Drinking at least 8 cups of water a day can help you stay a healthy level for the day. It can even reduce headaches and prevent constipation in adult and kids.
So grab a reusable bottle, fill it up and keep yourself hydrated for optimum health during your travels.

Hand Hygiene
Even though Hand Sanitizer is a go to, washing your hands is the most effective way to wash away germs and keep you healthy. Remember when washing your hands it should be with warm water. Wash with soap for 20 full seconds before rinsing.
When in airports and other places that require you to touch multiply surfaces that have all types of germs and virus. So don't forget to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer ONLY if a sink isn't available.

Vitamins Travel Size
Bringing vitamins in travel size baggies is a great way to stay healthy during traveling. You might not be getting all the nutrient you need in what you are eating. Your body will definitely thank you when you take these steps to ensure your health.
Daily Vitamins should consist of what ever your body is low in. Taking a mulit-vitamin once a day can also give you that extra boost to ensure you don't get sick.

Getting Vaccinated can help you stay healthy during your travels. When going to different parts of the world where there are foreign diseases, your body should be protected. You don't want to end up getting sick of some random disease and having the rest of your travels canceled because of it.
Go to the doctor about a month before you know your leaving the country.
Ask your physician if you need vaccines make sure you are up to date with all your vaccinations. Better safe then sorry.

Watch what you eat
Eating foods that will keep you feeling good will contribute to your health. Watching what you eat like, consuming like less fatty food and less carbs. Try to go for lean meats, fish and vegetables. Foods that will give you energy!
Try to stay away from fried foods and sweets. Everything in moderating is what is suggested to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So keep an eye on what you eat.
Remember One cheat day can't hurt.

Stay Active
Staying active while traveling can help you maintain a healthy weight. Try 10 mins High Intensity Workouts, it can be the key to staying fit while traveling. According to Men's Health intense exercise is more metabolically demanding on your body.
Brief 10-minute workouts, especially those performed in high-intensity interval training (HIIT), boost metabolism for hours and, as a result, raise the body's fat-and-calorie-burning power throughout the day!
So get in a hard core 10 minute work out in and you can set the standard for the day.

Everyone knows that the sun can have some harming effects on the skin. Be sure to add sunscreen to your bags. The suggested SPF is anything over 30 SPF but for ultra protection in hotter climates go for a 50 SPF.
The more you apply the will be less likely you will burn! Sunburns will dehydrate you and leave you feel less up for travel.
Severe Sunburn can cause symptoms like fever with chills, nausea, headache, and weakness. Don't wreck your travel plans with a burn that can leave you hot to the touch.

Boost Immune System
Boost your immunity by eating a healthy snack like fruits and vegetables, especially dark leafy greens like kale and brightly colored fruits such as berries.
You could always use a boost especially if you're on a budget and you have been consuming foods that aren't helping that are fatty and make you feel sluggish.
So have a salad for Lunch and add some fresh berries to Breakfast, your body will love you in the long run.

Limit Alcohol
Though people love to drink on vacation, over doing it can cost you! Alcohol dehydrates your body just like sitting in the hot sun and can leave you feeling horrible the next day. So avoid the hangover and drink responsibly in moderation!
Alcohol can also have bad long term effects on your liver. Don't ruin a perfectly good travel day. Drink lots of water and know your limits when it comes to having a cold one after a long day.
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