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Advice for Solo Travelers

Tiffany Mestre

As a solo traveler, you don't want to miss out on these tips for your solo travels.

Solo Travelers are more common than people think. When you are flying solo there are some tips you need to know.

Whether it's your first solo adventure or religiously traveling alone, you need to keep in mind these six things while traveling solo. Let's dive in!

Don't get too intoxicated

After a long day, lots of people want to turn to a beer to relax and socialize with new people. While it can't hurt to get a buzz, solo travelers should think twice!

Whether you are a female or male solo traveler being careful with who you get drunk around is a must. There are people out there who want to take advantage of you. The last thing you want is to wake up in a place you don't know or robbed or worse.

To avoid this order soda water with lime, and if anyone asks it's a vodka tonic. Close out your tab after every drink so can keep track of how many drinks you've gone through. Never take a drink from a stranger, if someone offers to buy you a drink, first ask the bartender for it personally & let them know who's tab it on. Only take the drink from the bartender directly to avoid being drugged.

Don't ignore your instincts

Your instincts will always guide you don't forsake them. If you feel like a situation is sour you're probably right. Get out if you don't feel safe.

For example, if someone doesn't seem like a legit taxi, Don't get in a car with them. If you get the sense there is something is wrong with your bill then speak up. If you feel like someone is following you, walk into a busy business or café and make conversation with someone.

When you ignore your instincts you can end up in some trouble or worst, living with regret.

Emergency cash

Having emergency cash will be a lifesaver. You never know when you can end up in a pickle. Some people have butterfingers and lose everything small enough to slip through their fingers including cards.

A lost credit or debit card can definitely make your heart drop so that emergency cash will be your lifeline. Depending on how long you're on the trip can determine how much emergency cash you have on you.

Keeping a hundred-dollar bill in your sock cant hurt. It's enough to make you feel more secure.

Don't be shy

When it comes to being a Solo traveler being shy won't help you one bit. When you're by yourself it can get a bit lonely. If you want to truly enjoy yourself then get out there. Talking to strangers is actually okay!

Hostels are a great place to go if you are trying to get to know people. A lot of fellow solo travelers usually stay there. Or you can just hang out at the hostel bar and get to know people there!

Don't ignore your desire

One of the best things about being a solo traveler is that you don't have to run anything by someone else. You can go where you want, when you want, and have total freedom.

This experience doesn't happen all the time so when you want to do something, just do it. Don't ignore your desire.

If you really want that $5 cookie that has a huge line or there's a museum you have been dying to go to. Maybe you want to take pictures at that Insta worthy park don't hesitate, go for it. This is your chance. Life waits for no one.

Always have a Plan B

We all have plans or expectations on how we want to spend our trip. In reality, it's a bit different than what you expected.

Rainy days happen, places close due to construction and sometimes we show up 2 mins after closing. So don't get too discouraged, this is why we have a backup.

Don't be afraid to think of the worst-case scenario. Have that plan b in your back pocket for anything you plan. Like if you really want to try this restaurant make sure there's one nearby that's number 2 on your list. If you want to do an excursion or visit a certain shop, make sure you do your research to see what else is around.

Chances are your backup might end up better than what you planned in the first place.


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