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Best Travel Hacks

Tiffany Mestre

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

Want travel hacks that can really save the day. We've got the goods! Here's a handful and a half of some great hacks!


Never buy water bottle at airport!

Our first pro tip is always bring your own empty water bottle!

The TSA does not allow you to bring a water bottle filled with water but if you empty it you're good to go.

The ultimate hack is to get the collapsible water bottle that fit in any bag without taking lots of space. Once you get past TSA find the nearest water fountain and never pay for $5 water at the airport again.


Binder clip your razor

A razor is an essential in a lot of peoples lives. You don't want your gently used razor getting into all of your other items in your luggage.

A Binder clip is the perfect fix!

This hack will help your razor stay clean, the last thing you want is irritated skin from shaving from a dirty razor. So don't forget to pop it in your bag for the trip.


Email yourself a copy of your passport

You never want to be left without your own copy of your passport in case of an emergency!

You don't know what could happen, you could drop it and not notice or leave it at the table. A copy is essential, it will be easier to prove who you are in case your passport is lost or stolen.

A hard copy may get lost in sauce, email yourself a copy for worst case scenario incase you end up losing everything!


Dryer sheets for used clothes

Let's face it, dirty clothes can get a little funky! There's a quick fix for those long vacations, and its to bring dryer sheets. It makes such a big difference when you open your luggage.

You'll always get a hit of that fresh linen scent so don't forget to toss some in your suit case!


Mark Luggage as FRAGILE

Its pretty common for airport bag guys to be a little rough with your bags. The best way to save it is to invest in a fragile sticker.

The FRAGILE sticker is hard to miss and will give them a precaution to be more careful with the luggage.

Even if there isn't anything fragile that hack can help if you don't want a scratched up suit case, because you probably spent a pretty penny on it!


Shower cap your shoes

Bacteria from the bottom of your shoes all over your clean clothes is a no go. Most people fail to even realize this when they pack.

Look no further we have the hack to help, just keep a shower cap handy. (Your local dollar store will have the best bang for your buck.) Get a few and wrap all your shoes as you put them in your luggage.

This will save your clothes from tons of gross bacteria and give you some peace of mind, thank us later!


BYO Snacks

Flights mean food and that means money.

The TSA won't mess with your snacks on your carry on and that's perfect because the plane prices can get ridiculous. The perfect hack is to bring your own snacks that you love.

As long as there isn't liquid you will get them through with out a problem.


Hide cash

Emergency cash is a must. This travel hack will save you in case of a pick pocketer, they are very real and out there.

All you have to do is clean out and old small inconspicuous container and hide a 20 or even a hundred so you always have hidden money in your bag.

Normal things like a chap stick or deodorant stick are easy to clean and use. Pros are that no one is dying to steal your deodorant so you're safe.


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