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10 Items to NEVER Travel Without

Tiffany Mestre

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

When packing for your travels there are a set of things that are non-negotiable. Here's our Top 10 List of items you just can't leave for your trip without. Let's get packing!


1 . Portable charger

Everyone knows that when your traveling and in the mix of everything that charging your devices can slip your mind. Once your phone dies it usually take forever to start back up, plus if you really need it you could end up screwed.

Having your portable charger already juiced up and ready is the best way to roll! Keep one in your bag and bring a shorter cord to ensure there isn't a no juice situation.

2. Eye mask

For those early morning flights to the blinds of the hotel rooms, an eye mask is a must. They are lightweight and can help you catch those extra Zzz where ever you go.

You can find these anywhere just make sure it doesn't fit too tight. You don't want to wakeup with blurry vision! Add to your carry on with ease!

3. Shower Exfoliator

Face it when on vacation there is a chance of you getting dirty. It happens to everyone, especially after a long day of excursions you'll definitely want take a nice hot shower.

Having an exfoliating glove can help with scrubbing all the guck off and shedding all the old skin off! You can usually find theses at your local dollar stores, just don't forget to hang dry!

4. Hand Sanitizer

Its pretty self explanatory as to why we would have to have some sanitizer on deck! You never know when you wont be able to wash your hands.

Especially being a traveler and getting in contact with various surfaces. Having some in your bookbag or purse close and handy to kill bacteria through the day!

5. Headphones

From plane ride to those long bus ride! Moments where you just need some music in your headphones will come in clutch. We suggest leaving your air pods at home!

Mainly because you need these charged. We know some phones no longer has a spot for headphones to plug into. Maybe a set on wireless headphones that aren't as valuable in case you do end up losing them!

6. Sneakers

Comfy sneakers that is super important to bring shoes that you can walk in for hours. When traveling excursions are inevitable.

Having a good foot support could be the difference between cutting the day short or not! Sneakers are always a must for long walks.

If sandals are more your jam then just find a good pair that wont break and are comfy enough for long days.

7. Sunglasses & Sunscreen

Even in colder month the sun is still out! Whether its a cold vacation or a hot, glasses are a must bring! Invest in a good pair that protect against harmful UVs to your eyes.

Sunscreen is often over-looked and can some of us looking like cherries at the end of the vacation. Local dollar stores will always have miniature spray on sunscreen so grab a couple!

They are easy to use and can be packed in a carry on with ease.

8. Face Wash

You may not notice but your face is exposed to tons of dirt throughout the day . Washing your face is not only good personal hygiene but can help with acne too.

Bringing facewash is essential you don't want to use your body wash or bar of soap to clean your face they can be harsh and dry out your skin.

The easy fix? Cosmetic brands are constantly coming out with travel sized face washes perfect for packing. Find your favorite and add your carry on because you should never, go on vacation without it.

9. Collapsible water bottle

When it comes to travel, having your own water bottle with you can be a tremendous help. Water fountains that are nearby can keep you hydrated on a budget while being eco friendly!

Make sure the water is safe to drink BEFORE filling your bottle, you don't want to end of sick from drinking the wrong water.

Even if you prefer bottled water, pour it into your collapsible bottle. Its always great to have a bottle that barely takes up any space once the water is finished!

10. Raincoat/ Umbrella

You never know when its going to rain! Especially while on vacation, your expectations is clear and sunny skies but Mother Nature taking its course is inevitable.

Packing some type of raincoat or umbrella just in case, cant hurt.

Being left in the rain is never fun and neither is having wet clothes on. So don't forget to pack it.


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